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A big part of our mission at The Lighthouse is to improve standards in the online business industry. We started back in 2021 with our Online Business Consultant Certification, the first of its kind that combines strategy with energy work.

We later introduced our Energy Clearing Certification, a Nervous System + Trauma Certification and soon a Sister Circle Certification.

If you're committed to mastery and want to fast-track your skill development, these are for you.

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Leading online business consultant certification that blends energy clearing with online business strategy, that you can apply to yourself and then learn how to use them for your own clients, opening up new revenue streams and improving results and reputation.

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Energy Clearing Certification that clears energetic blocks that create resistance, sabotage and limiting beliefs for online business owners, holding them back from the results they crave. This goes beyond mindset and subconscious work and works fast.

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This certification supports practitioners, coaches, therapists, healers and consultants to work from an informed, embodied and empowered nervous system and trauma awareness foundation.

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Not Sure Which Is For You?

Or you love them all and have no idea where to start, then click that button below, fill in your details and we'll be in touch to chat more about your next steps.

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