This is for coaches, consultants and strategists and those who work with online entrepreneurs and business owners...
...who know it's time to step-up and stand-out as an expert in your niche, respected and revered as an authority, with the creds to back it up.
As an industry, we're in a period of transition. Nothing works as it did, clients are prioritising different things and different people, there's a real need for qualified, authentic mentors, consultants and coaches who want to do great work.
You've probably felt it too. You know something has to change. It's time to play a bigger game, it's time to commit to mastery, excellence and ethics so you stand out from the rest and become trusted by your clients and community.
And that mastery and excellence is what you'll find inside of our leading, CPD & IAPC&M Accredited Online Business Consultant Certification.
This unrivalled training and certification will uplevel your skillset and your business...
...improve your client results, increase your conversion and retention rates, and create a knock-em-dead confidence that magnetises.
Plus you'll save - on average - two years trying to create what we give you yourself.
Well not only do we train and certify you with five powerful, proven methodologies, but you get to use them on your business for an instant uplevel.
Plus you go on a one month healing journey as you learn and use our energy healing method and have it used on you, clearing all those blocks that stand in the way of your growth.
And we give you all the assets you need to take things to a whole new level of professionalism, saving years, tears and heartache doing this yourself. No stone is left unturned as you have your offers, templates, contract and everything else created for you.
You Could Walk Away With Results Like These...
Join The Movement
I designed this experience for those ready to answer the calling to raise standards in an industry littered with unethical business coaches
By joining you will be deeply supported in becoming a conscious business owner, equipped with proven frameworks and methods approved by the CPD and IAPC&M.
But more than that, you will be part of a powerful community of likeminded souls.
Our students become a close knit community as they align on values and mission in a space where our combined energy offers support, empathy, fun, laugher and true friendship.
The bond created is strong, because each student goes through a deep period of reflection and evolution as they use the methods on themselves.

"I wanted structure and accountability and to be part of the change, making the online world a more ethical place. What it’s giving me on top of all that, is not just the tools and training so that I can take my business to the next level, but also the ultimate confidence to do it!"

"The steps are methodical and the support from both Gemma and the other CCC'ers invaluable. I feel my ideas and contributions matter and have started to get much clearer on how I can use my strengths to help others with their businesses going forward."

“It has enriched my existing leadership business as well as prepared me to launch my business mentoring offer. Gemma totally overdelivers and having her input on my business weekly has been invaluable. We have so many resources and templates we can use with clients - it's basically your whole business is a box with the guidance to tailor it to meet your purpose in the world.”

“This programme is perfect for you if you'd like to crystalise your understanding and build some structural foundations into your offering. It's also perfect for you if you tend to sign up to new courses with gusto and fizzle out... that won't happen here because the course is designed to keep you going through to the end. I heartily recommend it!”

If you'd love to step into a deeper, more impactful way of working with clients...
...using proven frameworks, developed by me, and used to create powerful results for me and my clients...
If you'd love to serve more clients, at a higher level with a deep confidence that you will deliver what they need...
If you'd love to take your revenue and salary to the next level and beyond as you create the life you're dreaming of right now...
If you'd love to boost your credentials and step fully into your authority, head and shoulders above those other business coaches that don't deliver...
... You're in the right place
With every booming industry comes unethical practices and inexperienced service providers.
The online business world is no different. It's littered with unqualified business coaches sharing hand-me-down strategies that don't work.
Sadly, in their wake are a long list of clients that they’ve not only failed to help, but they’ve actually caused harm with their lack of skill and care.
It's time for change.
It’s time for those that care about client results to hone their skills in the pursuit of mastery, excellence and ethics.
It's time to answer your calling, to step up with purpose, to serve at a higher-level and be the change we need in the online industry.
It's time to radically innovate your own business with our proven methods.
The thing is, becoming an online business coach, consultant or strategist takes more than being in business yourself or learning from your coach.
Lucky for you I've poured over 24 years in business, almost a decade of those in the online business space into this certification.
Because now is the time to equip a new wave of conscious online business consultants and strategists with the right mindset, strategies and frameworks that create real results and sustainable growth.
All of which they get inside of the Conscious Consultant Certification®. I opened my vault of protected IP for others to use in their businesses as they join me to create a ripple effect across our industry.
But I didn't just design a certification
I had it accredited by both The CPD & IAPC&M, two global training accreditation boards, to ensure it met a recognised quality standard.
I created a library of assets with everything you need to evolve to your next level of growth with your new, improved business [some graduates say this is worth the investment alone].
Included in those assets is a diagnostic tool - The Online Business Audit - that replaces sales calls. Some of our graduates are getting a conversion rate of over 80% with this tool in paid sessions. No more free discovery calls for you, my friend.
You're given everything you need to create sustainable growth in your business, and your clients'. Your confidence, your authority and your mastery will increase exponentially.
So here's a question for you.
If you would like to step into online business mastery and authority with a set of proven frameworks that get great results, which would you rather:
❶ Spend 2-3 years learning how to do this yourself, or
❷ Shortcut that in just 6 months and...

Use the frameworks first on your business to review and redesign it to align with where you want to go next [something you'd pay some coaches 10k for alone].

Create more revenue in your business, even if right now you feel you've reached the ceiling of what's possible with your existing skillset.

Raise your credibility and authority and become the go-to expert, no matter your niche or years of experience.

Help your clients to strategically grow a profitable online business with every skill and framework you need.
If the answer is yes, then it's time to commit to mastery and excellence, serve your clients better than ever before, and revolutionise your revenue as you create a business you love.

The leading online business certification with a 95% completion rate, over 100 happy graduates who have gone on to do big things and a powerful training and implementation process that will both uplevel your own business and ensure you pass with flying colours, ready to take your new skills to the world.

After working with hundreds of online business strategists, consultants and coaches...
...I've found the top 1% with profitable business and powerful client results use a signature framework or method.
This is because...
❶ They provide a repeatable process that can be used in a range of offers, from 1:1, 1:many and many:many, making it easier to scale.
❷ It makes the client feel secure in their investment because there's a clear path to follow.
❸ It creates authority as they become known for the framework.
But many struggle to create a framework because they don't have all the puzzle pieces.
This is why I created a set of frameworks specifically for my certification students to use on their own business, and with their clients.
Our frameworks are grounded in research and experience, built to support at different levels, offering a powerful foundation that can be used to to create bespoke solutions for yourself and your clients.
You have every piece of every puzzle
Conscious Growth Framework®

The overall framework you learn, practice and take away is The Conscious Growth Framework®. Within this are five other frameworks you can use these as you wish in your business, merging them with your own methods if you choose to. We're different to most certifications as we prefer to be flexible rather than prescriptive in how you use our methods. This means each of our graduates are unique, adding their own genius and flavour.
Click on the frameworks below to read more.
The Online Exploration Experience®
The Game Plan Method®
The Evergreen Evolution Method®
The Ultimate Ops Method®
The Conscious Energy Clearing Method®
Wondering if the Energy Clearing Method is for you?
Listen to the results graduate Emma-Louise Parkes has had with it.
What it means to be Conscious
[to us anyway]
The word 'conscious' is used in a variety of contexts and we're often asked what it means to this certification.
At it's very core, being conscious means being aware of self, of others, of surroundings.
It means being intentionally aware of your own behaviour, feelings and habits at all times.
It means being intentionally aware of how you're affecting others and coming from a place of self ownership and compassion.
When applied to Conscious Leadership, it means understanding at a deep level how you show up in the world and the impact that you have on all who are connected to you.
It means being acutely aware of, and deeply connected with, your identity and your mission.
It means having courage, resilience, conviction and humility that, in turn, creates a powerful inner knowing and sense of self.
It means being thought led not emotion led and being here for the good of all, not just for the good of self.
All of this is at the core of the certification, creating a ripple affect across the industry.

“The CCC has given me the confidence to build on what I already have to have an even better business! I can clearly see new possibilities I hadn’t considered before and I’m really excited for the next phase of my personal and business growth. I had high expectations of the CCC and I am delighted that after graduation the whole experience has been above and beyond!”

“I really love the way that Gemma is laser focused on helping you succeed and on raising the standards in the entire online coaching industry. It was so important to me to work with a mentor who is ethical, qualified, and whose program has been expertly designed to actually get her clients results. I’ve been let down by other business coaches in the past but Gemma is the real deal, truly trustworthy, and actually walks her talk!”

“Pure goodness. Top level professionalism. Above and beyond tools, support and resources. Brilliant sense of humour, piles of love and empathy, the perfect balance of work & play.”

“This program has given me everything I need to succeed. Practical tools, resources, templates, and accountability to keep me on track with my goals. If you want to improve your business and life in a meaningful and aligned way, this is the program for you”
How It Works
Our curriculum is designed to support you at a high-level as you become qualified in online business strategy, evergreen marketing and energy clearing techniques.
But ahead of that, you will take your own online business through our deep, strategic, proven process as you research your market in ways you've never done before, create a robust business strategy, map out an aligned evergreen marketing system, design the operating systems that will help things run like clockwork, go on a healing journey as you clear energetic blocks that have stopped your own growth.
You will use YOUR business to practice our methods on, and then qualify in these exact methods so you can do the same for your clients.
So basically, if you're thinking of joining a program that will uplevel your business and yourself, this one comes with the added bonus of a double accredited certification and all you need to do the same for your clients, creating brand new revenue streams. Winner!
This has been co-designed by an experienced knowledge and certification designer [unlike other programs which are often a collection of brain dumps with little thought for how a wide variety of people actually learn]. This is also why we sailed through our accreditations with both the CPD and IAPC&M with phenomenal feedback and no requests to change anything.
To support you we have built in breaks and integration periods. You'll need between 4-6 hours a week to dedicate to it, but if you fall behind there is plenty of space to catch up. You'll be supported every step of the way.
We're told by our students that it's the most well deigned, comprehensive program they've invested in, many of them taking that experience into how they then design their own programs.
Return On Investment
Whether you choose to work 1:1 or 1:many, my aim is for all students to at least 3x their investment within 12 months of graduating, but many will 10x that and most get their investment back in the first 3 months of leaving us.
Of course, that will depend on your existing audience size, the revenue model you employ and in our final two months, we will be helping you to design and create your new offers and promotional material to share then with your audience.
Below I've shared typical offers and their price range to give you an idea of potential revenue:
Online Business Audit: £96+
Strategy Session: £500+
Energy Clearing Sessions: £500+
Strategy Day: £2k - £8k+
6 Month 1:1 Coaching: £4k - £20k+
6 Month Mastermind: £3k - £5k+
Group Program: £1k - £10k+
Aside from the more tangible results, our graduates have shared that the certification created a powerful confidence in their abilities, improved coaching skills, personal and business uplevels, clarity, understanding how they're unique, uncovering new niches to focus on, relationship improvements, deep healing from the energy work and lifelong friends they studied with.
This certification is not just a fast-track to business growth. It accelerates mastery, legacy and excellence in your business, creating powerful standout.

"I love Gemmas calm approach with teaching combined with mind blowing materials to use with clients AND the power of energy healing. Not only this but on our group calls she answers all questions and concerns with calm, concise and clear explanations."

"Everything is so clear and the structure and flow make it easy to navigate. The calls are always packed with incredible insights. Gemma has so much knowledge to share and she understands each and everyone of us and our businesses."

"This certificate is a shortcut to everything I have learned and more. If only this was available when I was starting out. Truly worth the money. Gemma has excelled herself and you should be excited about how it can help you. "

"Gemma has provided so much knowledge and information but also leads with her heart and I have felt very safe and certain that the tools and skills we are learning will be invaluable in propelling my business forward."
I’m Gemma Went, Online Business Mentor, Certified Mindset Coach and Energy Practitioner to online coaches, consultants, experts and entrepreneurs who know they were born to create incredible change in their own lives and the lives of others.
After growing a sustainable, profitable online business over the last decade - and creating an interesting story as I did it, my chapter now is all about legacy.
I could tell you about the Entrepreneur awards I’ve won. Or the amazing team I've built. Or I could share more about the consistent growth I've achieved.
But I won’t. Because that would make it sound too easy.
And it wasn’t. Instead, what I’ll tell you is this:
Everything I've achieved has been done while navigating my own healing journey, fear of visibility, fear of success (yes really), burnout, adrenal fatigue, peri-menopause (deep joy) and many betrayals. This journey is messy as hell, but it's worth it and I'm here to share the highs and the lows - because real life and real business isn't all champagne launches and flashy photoshoots. Because this too is my legacy.
I've helped thousands of online business owners create success, I've spent thousands of hours mentoring and training and I've created millions for myself and my clients.
My collection of protected frameworks and systems perfected over the past nine years, using my 24+ years experience across corporates, brands, agencies and SMEs, have been at the core of my work.
By blending mindset techniques, energy therapy, business strategy, marketing systems and high-performance habits, I’ve created my professional, IAPC&M and CPD Accredited, certification.
Which I now share with you.
The thing is, there are very few online business coaches, strategists and mentors who have the full breadth of skills needed to truly do a great job for their clients.
Some are great at marketing, some are great at operations, some are great at strategy, some are great at mindset. Few are good at all ALL five core business pillars:
Research + Validation
Strategy + Planning
Marketing + Sales
Operations + Systems
Mindset + Energy
This is why I've brought together all five pillars for you to use with your clients and get even better results than you are now.
But the burning question is:
Is this right for YOU?
Alignment is a priority for us and we only accept people who we know this certification will create phenomenal results for.
You're a great fit if:
- You already have a coaching, mentoring, consultancy or service based business and want to broaden your skills, commit to mastery and serve at a higher, more transformative level.
- You could be in the earlier stages of your business, or more established. We've found it works well for both, so it doesn't matter if you're earning 2k or 20k per month, the skills you'll take away will take your existing business to levels you won't recognise.
- You're a corporate or ex-corporate professional who would love to create your own online business and can see this as a shortcut to get there.
- You already have a sound knowledge of the online business world and some of the tech we use [eg Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google Calendar].
- You share our enthusiasm and desire for ethics, integrity, inclusion and diversity.
- You're an action taker and take radical responsibility for your results.
- You recognise that, by having these deeper, broader skills you can serve at a deeper, broader level and that excites you.
Because at your core you care for others and want to create change in this world.
Still wondering if it's right for YOU?
Then let me help. I've broken down exactly how this certification can drastically improve results within specific niches, below. Click on your niche below to read more. If your niche isn't shown then reach out to us for a chat.
Business Coach
Ex Corporate Professional
Life/Mindset/Spiritual/Health Coach
Online Business Manager/VA

Still wondering if it's right for YOU?
Take our handy assessment and find out for sure.
"I know now that the business I create from this point onwards will be more authentically me, will help my clients in a more holistic way and will grow beyond what I have thought capable before. Gemma gives so much time to answer questions and help guide you. Her strategic brain is mind-blowing and being able to tap into her experience and intuition is so valuable."

"A comprehensive and well supported course led by an Online Business Expert who really cares about your success. Being certified in tried and trusted business frameworks is elevating my appeal to clients and creating exciting new opportunities. Working with Gemma has increased my clarity and confidence in evolving my business into something I love."

"It really IS as good as it sounds on paper. Better even! Gemma has so much knowledge and is a fabulous mentor. My mindset and confidence have grown. I'm feeling clearer of my mission and purpose in life. It hasn't just boosted my work life, it's boosting all areas of my whole life!"

"What you also get is a supportive community of like-minded souls, Gemma's wisdom and good humour, a team who always have your back and a heck of a lot of extra assets that essentially kick-start the creation of your new business. This is the proper deal."
Let's Recap
When you join The Conscious Consultant Certification® you get access to the following:

The value is at least 10x the investment and, as you've seen, return on investment can come straight after you've graduated.
And don't forget, you get to take your business through the frameworks as you learn the process, something you'll pay 10k to other coaches for, but with this you get to use the same frameworks on your clients afterwords - with my love and permission,
Enrolment Will Open Again In Q1 2025.
(ex VAT)
£750 x6
(ex VAT)
£375 x12
(ex VAT)
Bonus #1: The Online Business Audit
The Online Business Audit has become a firm favourite with our graduates as it means they can do away with sales or discovery calls and instead charge at least £96 for the audit, where they can then upsell their offers.
These are getting up to an 80% conversion rate and are changing the game for our online business coaches.
[Cost to create this yourself ~£3k]

Bonus #2:
Online Business Bootcamp
We want to set you up to win right out the gate, so we've done something no other certification does; we've given you your first online course to take to your audience, set up and ready to go in or we'll give you the content to add to your existing system. You can add your own branding and content and sell as the perfect upgrade to our online business audit.
[Value £10+k]
Bonus #3:
Your Lead Magnet Funnel
You've got a paid lead magnet, you've got your first course, now you need to sell it. Let's help you with that. You'll have a lead magnet funnel set up and ready to add your bespoke branding and flavour, in Or we'll provide the content to add to your existing system.
We'll then provide the sales page for your course, for an easy upsell.
[Value £2k+]
Let's Be Clear...
This level of training and ready-to-go assets are usually only available through franchise opportunities that cost more than double the price of this certification.
So why not charge the same? Well, our mission is to improve the standards in the online business coaching space, and making that accessible is part of that mission.

"I instantly knew I was in the right place! There's so much noise and BS in the online space and Gemma has always stood out to me as someone who plays no part in this. She is the definition of someone who is authentic and runs their business from a place of integrity. I have learnt so much and am really starting to see the bigger vision for my business."

"It's helped me to change my limiting beliefs. I knew they were there, I'd done other work to try to remove them, and hadn't got to the core. The energy work has helped me tremendously. On the business side, I now know I have the tools, and the capacity to coach my clients in the best possible way."

"I’ve been looking for a framework I can apply to my client work that would retain the ‘business’ element but was struggling to fit my existing experience into something more coaching focused. I've had so much clarity on the direction of my business and a excitement about my new packages. Inside, I've always felt valued and included, it’s a true transformational journey for your business."

"I've witnessed many shady things in the online business world over the last few years and I wanted to be part of a community that stands for integrity. Since joining, I've completely re-designed my working week, recruited a new crack team and handed over the ropes on all aspects of the business that aren't my zone of joy. This is unlike any other program you'll undertake."

"The certification has given me so many amazing tools, methods and frameworks that I didn't have to create from scratch myself - which was one of the biggest reasons for me joining. I loved the content and strategies Gemma teaches from being in previous masterminds and programs of hers, that I knew it was a fit for me to do so I bit the bullet."

"It's been amazing working with Gemma and her team in CCC. The amount of support available has been 5* and the mentoring calls are so good if you need advice or have a question to ask. CCC is a no brainer for anyone wanting to take their business to the next level and add a whole wealth of new skills and knowledge to be able to help others."
Got a Question?
Below are a few questions we've been asked along the way. If your question isn't here, please reach out by email here.
I'm already established, will I learn anything new?
What will I get in terms of the Certification?
What happens if I get stuck?
How much time will it take?
What if I fall behind?
Why should I trust you?
What if I miss the classes?
Will this help me if I'm already a business coach?
I'm not an online coach, is this right for me?
Is the 90% attendance for 4 hours a week?
Will we be able to use the frameworks under our own brand?
What if I get part way through it and don't think I can do it?
I don't think I'm established enough for this?
How do I know this won't be like other programs where the coach didn't deliver?
Is there time to catch up if I fall behind?
Everyone else seems to already know each other. I'm worried I won't fit in.